[Harp-L] Live Monitors
I've run my own open mic since January, where I play harp and I'm also the
sound man. It's been my first experience playing harp live. I've had
great difficulty hearing myself when playing with other musicians, and
difficulty hearing background music when using jam tracks. I set-up some
floor monitors using some old home speakers I had, but had constant
feedback problems. I added an equalizer to deal with the feedback, but
couldn't lick the problem.
Now I'm trying a ART HeadTap device that takes a monitor feed and converts
it to a headphone jack so you can list with in-ear headphones while
playing. I don't know if others have tried this, but the monitored sound
does not sound right. I think because the in-ear plugs work like ear
plugs, and if you listen to yourself playing harp while using earplugs it
is a totally different sound. Yes, I realize you're getting a feed from
the monitor but you still hear yourself playing in addition to the monitor
feed. I tried taking one in-ear plug out of one ear, and that was better,
but not great.
I can't seem to find a monitoring solution that works well. Any
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