[Harp-L] Special 20 Tunning

 the illustrious Steve wrote;

>I always get annoyed when fiddle players ask me to "give 'em an A" or
whatever.   Unless all your harps are A440 and equal temperament, that
request is a right old can of worms!  It's always fiddle players, too.
Anyone else noticed that?<

Yes Steve, once again you've hit the nail on it's head!

They ask you for an 'A' , then they ignore it, in fact, for many years,
before the advent of the portable electronic tuner ( I nearly added 'Fish')
was available, my strategy was to play the 'A' as a 2 blow on an 'F' harp,
at the time an echo vampers ( chez les imperialists - marine band ) were
suitably tuned approximately 14 cents flat.

Sadly, those days , at least for me , are apparently over.
I assume, by the context of your missive, that there still exists the
occasional fiddler traditionalist (or too poor) that prefer to (try) to use
his/her ears!!!!!

BTW, today, before reading the aformentiond digest , I have retuned an, need
I say ancient, Echo Vamper up to 440!! Yes according to my tuner it was at
(No Tim, and yes your right , I should go back & check it with AP Tuner
Which brings me back to an old, for me, unresolved question, which , for the
harmonicacame first
(no, not the chicken or the egg)
A = 440 J.I
or ??????


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