Re: [Harp-L] Inexpensive Reverb ---> Was: Good Cheap Small Amp

On 10/28/06, Jim McBride <jpmcbride@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The Pignose Hog-20 is a great little amp. Surprisingly good. Amazingly 
> good.
> Read this review of it by Steve "Big Daddy Bluzharp" Harvell at
>   The only thing missing in this amp is reverb. Any suggestions on an 
> inexpensive reverb pedal that won't suck the tone out of a harp 
> mic/amp?
Hey there,
  I've tried a few reverb pedals out, and for the price, the DigiVerb is a
very good. I've had mine for quite some time and it's my most used effect.
-- G.

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