[Harp-L] re: practice

WVa Bob wrote: "I read an interview with Sonny Rollins a few years ago wherein he described his practice routine; it involved daily meditation followed by 6-8 hours of practice."

6 hours a day is a pretty normal practice routine for professional musicians (at least symphony orchestras). A horn player will tell you that a week off from practicing will take months to recover.

Do I practice 6 hours a day? No. That's why after 30 years I've made such little progress.

If you want the harp to be respected as a professional instrument and harp players respected as musicians we need a system in place where people start in kindergarten (or earlier)and work their way through college on one instrument and they put the time and the practice in. Until then the harp will be considered a toy and harp players will be thought of as wannabe musicians. Probably wouldn't hurt if you could play Tchaikovsky on the harp.

Rainbow Jimmy

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