[Harp-L] New mic name was put off.......
Hey folks,
Here's some real blues for ya and a reality check, too.
Here's why I disappeared from the list:
Well, without all the mind-numbing details I'll just tell you married guys, and the rest of you, to keep your highest priority closest to you and don't let these mics and amps take control over your life.
A mic or an amp cannot love you back (they don't talk back either..lol) and love, whether it be spoken, eye contact or in the form of actions, it's what keeps us going. In my case I would work as a commercial electrician 40 hours a week and then come home and start messing with mics and amps until 10 pm almost every night and then go watch "Who's line is it anyway?" ''to unwind'' and then pass out until 4:30 am and do it all over again.
I took time out to goof around with my 9 yr old, but my wife was hanging out building up steam until the pot boiled over and when you hear the words, "I don't want to be married to you anymore!" you take notice REAL fast! I don't know what hit my ankles first, my adams apple or my heart. I know both halves of my heart were lodged between both feet and the sole of my shoes, And folks that's what I call "Real Blues".
Anyway, I'm enlisting some help with these mics and amps and will continue to keep top notch quality control so you get what you pay for.
The ThunderHarp household is looking positive...Whewwwww! SO,
****The offer still stands with the Not yet named mic element. A hint has to do with either explosives, missles or warfare. One guy came very close and originally it was my first choice, but homeland security would be watching me and Harp L closely and we don't need guys in black suits, dark glasses and talking through a watch at the jams and gigs we go to.
thanks to all for your past support and remember to keep the priorties in the proper chain and I'll see a few of you at Gindicks Jam in Del Mar, CA next weekend. I've got a new surprise to unveil, too.
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