Re: Subject: [Harp-L] Recent WKNP Nashville News Story on Jason Ricci

Um, to follow Elizabeth's britishism....I do believe he's "taking the piss."
This means something different in this country, BTW. It's all fake, I'm sure
(except for the part about Shawn), but it certainly is a curious piece of
performance art.

Be well, Jason. Yes, silliness can be very therapeutic.....

- B

On 10/2/06, Joe and Cass Leone <leone@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Oct 1, 2006, at 10:00 PM, EGS1217@xxxxxxx wrote:

> Jason Ricci writes about a tongue-in-cheek article:
> _
> (
> .....with the oddest sound clips I've ever  "milk  was
> a bad
> choice".
> of Jason with either a fake beard with milk moustache
> superimposed....or an old photo he's never let any of us see (and
> that's a  good thing
> imho)
> .....methinks our Jason is, as we'd say in Britain "having us  on"....
> Elizabeth
First of all, it's all publicity, he needs all the coverage he can
get, so Shhhhhhhhh.
Secondly, the beard is fake. Take it from me. In the 6 weeks since I
have seen him, he couldn't grow that beard.
I shaved mine completely off, and am now wearing a fu-manchu and my
beard grows FAST, and is nothing like that one.
Third, the hair is a wig. No way he could have grown that head of hair.

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