On Oct 1, 2006, at 10:00 PM, EGS1217@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Jason Ricci writes about a tongue-in-cheek article:
> _http://www.jasonricci.com/promo/index2.html_
> (http://www.jasonricci.com/promo/index2.html)
> .....with the oddest sound clips I've ever heard...lol "milk was
> a bad
> choice".
> ...photo of Jason with either a fake beard with milk moustache
> superimposed....or an old photo he's never let any of us see (and
> that's a good thing
> imho)....lol
> .....methinks our Jason is, as we'd say in Britain "having us on"....
> Elizabeth
First of all, it's all publicity, he needs all the coverage he can
get, so Shhhhhhhhh.
Secondly, the beard is fake. Take it from me. In the 6 weeks since I
have seen him, he couldn't grow that beard.
I shaved mine completely off, and am now wearing a fu-manchu and my
beard grows FAST, and is nothing like that one.
Third, the hair is a wig. No way he could have grown that head of hair.
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