Subject: [Harp-L] Music and perception

Pierre writes:
"Anybody ever noticed that when you give or lend someone a CD and you  say to 
the person: "This CD is absolutely awesome...". Then the next  time you play 
it, it sounds much plainer and you can't figure out what  was so awesome 
anymore. It's like we suddenly become critical of the  CD from that point on 
rather than just listen with an uncritical  mind.

Anyway, I hope I don't change your Stevie perceptions if you  really like 
him, ...

....Ummm Nope and Nope.  Never would least to MY  favorite CD's 
recommended to others.  Perhaps  your convictions weren't all that strong to 
begin with if so easily  changed once you'd recommended them to others, and now 
were hearing them  with more "critical" ears...filtered through others' 

What I like is what I like no matter who else might approve of or  like or 
dislike it, him, her, them, style or whatever....when it comes to  music in 
general, and for this thread: Stevie Wonder's talent in  particular.
  And for the record I've never once considered him  "supernatural"...only an 
absolute phenomenon, musical prodigy and genius,  who's never been given his 
true "due" in harmonica playing precisely  because he IS an incredible 
"multi-instrumentalist" and vocalist,  songwriter, arranger....who gets faulted 
because he  doesn't focus strictly on the harp as far as some people (who  for some 
reason seem to be mostly European?) are concerned  (something I find faintly 

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