[Harp-L] Customizing harps, Tim Moyer, life...

This business with Tim Moyer retiring temporarily (hopefully!) has me
thinking about harp customizing.  This may be a new thread.

Personally speaking, when I started learning about Filisko and custom harps,
I was admittedly obsessed. I bugged anyone that would answer questions (Pat
Missin stopped answering my emails).  I bought the Rupert Oysler Dvd (very
helpful), bought expensive tools (including a strobe tuner) and even
recently paid Richard Sleigh a nice sum of money to give me a private lesson
on customization.

After two years, I do a pretty nice job on my own harps.  The best
compliment I received was when Richard picked up my Low C and played it.
"Not bad."  That is the best compliment I could ever receive in my mind.

Would I ever do Tim's line of work? Probably not. I already have a back log
of my own harps, students' harps and some local Atlanta players.  It just
too consuming and very few people really know or appreciate what it is
worth. Richard Sleigh, if you can get him to make one, charges $200 or
more.  He played me is double-plated Low A and told me that he would charge
someone $400 bucks to make one. Yow! I was almost tempted.

Hats off to Tim and his very cheap prices.

Then, when I recently purchased a suzuki firebreath, it really made me
sigh.  I just spent two years of my life, late night hours and lots of money
fixing up harps when I could have purchase this $50 harp that was just as
good if not better than the ones I spent 3-4 hours on.  I could have used
that time to practice! Then my pride wells up and think, yes but that is
cheating. There is nothing better than laboring over your own harp and
producing an instrument that sings!

I also question whether this art, of customizing harps will last....or be
around much longer. With harp companies finally paying attention to harp
players, we may just have some new harps that will make customizing
unnecessary or unique...possibly. Anyway, I am rambling. Good night
everyone. Love to hear your thoughts on this...

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