[Harp-L] forced to 3rd position

At the local Hootenanny tonight, a performer asked if
I would come up and accompany in A.  I grabbed a D,
went on stage, and tried to play along on the
Temptations' "The Way You Do The Things You Do."  At
first, I was terrible -- Jeez, how could I be this
bad?  Is soul music that different from blues?  But
the notes slightly up the harp sounded good, and I
found the groove -- realized he was in E -- had a
blast soloing up there and playing some rhythm with
the 1-4 draw octave.  I play very little in 3rd, so it
was great to have no choice and to make it work! 

(This is not a slam on guitar players, but
coincidentally earlier in the night, the same guy told
the audience the song we were playing was in A, but I
(the harp playera) play it in D -- I told him and the
audience no, I would play it in A just like everybody
else!  -- this was all good-natured banter, but it is
funny then that he screwed up the key later with the
Temps song.)

BTW, I think another custom harmonica, dedicated to
hap-l, might be called the "Jezz, we can argue about
anything."   ;-)


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