[Harp-L] Leslie effects

Years ago I saw Carey Bell playing through a 410 Bassman and a Cord-O-Vox cabinet.  The Cord-O-Vox cabinet is rotary speaker cabinet that spins vertically instead of horizontally like a Leslie. It was made in the early 60s for accordian.  He played some chromatic through it and it sounded just like a B3.  About a year later I was doing a session for some cats and happened to walk in the back room of the studio and saw two of those muthas.   I bought one that day for CHEAP cause he had no idea what it was.  Mine has a foot switch that turns the rotating speaker off and on, but it also has a reverb switch.  Haven't ever got it to work.  You might want to hunt around for one of these things.  Much smaller than a Leslie ---about as tall and wide as a Bassman and just as deep.  I've also got a Korg G4 Leslie simulator stomp box that works real well.  Korg doesn't make them anymore ,but you could probably scare one up somewhere if you dig around enough.
Mike "Wezo" Wesolowski

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