[Harp-L] Re: FeedBack - OFF LIST

On Mar 25, 2006, at 8:33 AM, harp-l-request@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

my word means more than
$75,  so I will just keep them.

Atta boy.

Had one of these years ago. It was stupid. I worked on my tone and playing the harmonica correctly. Don't need any of this stuff anymore, I'm heard. They's all crutches. What, am I gifted, some sort of great player? No. Just worked hard at doing it right. It paid off. Still working on it. Never-ending process.

Still praying for you, Gary. Hope all is going well.

I gotta tell you these things that follow because I want to make sure you're on the right track, I'm charged by God to tell you.

Remember that God is always more concerned with our spiritual well- being than our physical. I know that's hard for some to swallow, but the physical, the flesh, is only temporary. Last time I checked, wait a minute.... figures just coming across the ticker... yes, once again, it's confirmed - 100% of us will die. But the spirit that moves on will go somewhere for eternity. All paths lead to heaven? Maybe. But Jesus, the only perfect man who walked in our shoes, said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. NO ONE comes to the Father but through me." The entry into heaven is only through Him. Harsh? No, not really. Truth is truth. God is God. And He says it's NOT by good works, so that no one can boast. It's a gift. Nothing we can do. It's called grace. Favor given to us although we do not deserve. Every other way that people say to get into heaven is by some sort of work. Then you have people crawling over each other saying they did more/better than the next.

Seek to know Jesus, Gary. Not man's ideas or flawed philosophy, look what mess we're in. Certainly not man's idea of religion. It's all messed up too. Jesus had some pretty harsh things to say about organized religion. I'm not saying church is bad... but when THEY start telling you what or what not to do, that's wrong. I look for churches who teach the word of God, and let the Word speak to me and my situation. Not some preacher man.

It's not even what we think we know as right or wrong. That's all based on our value system. God's value system is the only one that matters. I mess up according to His measuring stick every day. That's why I need to accept His Son's death on the cross as payment for my wrong stuff, my sin.

That's what I have to say, Gary. I need to know that you know who He really is, and that you begin to seek Him and Him alone. He's changed my life. And continues to do so. I know where I'm going, not because of what I've done, but ONLY because of what HE did for me.

Later man.


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