Re: [Harp-L] Rod Piazza's current diatonic harp choice(was MS)

--- In harp-l-archives@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, nonidesign@...
> I have a couple of the Hering Vintage 1928's and
thought I'd mention a problem with them now that
you've bought some for yourself. 
> The nuts used to hold the screws on the covers come
unscrewed easily and fall off. It's a pain in the rump
to lose them. I suggest buying a small bottle of
liquid Locktite from a hardware store.

funny, i've noticed something similar. i have a 1928
in A. one of the screws that holds the plates to the
comb unscrews itself from time to time, but also
manages to screw itself back in! when i take the
covers off, it doesn't feel any looser than the other
screws, and i certainly can't just push it in and out
of the hole. something about when i carry it around or
play it or whack it on my leg is making the screw
turn. it's kinda funny. i just peek in there once in
awhile to see if it's coming out or going back in.
don't wanna lose it! ;)

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