Re: [Harp-L] deluxes and feedback

On the mic, low gain jacks, one I can get to 7, maybe 8 or so, the  other around 6 (this is out of 12).  On the high gain, instrument  jacks I can't get it past 6 (half way) on either.  I have a shure  520dx which is more prone to feedback problems and a astatic crystal in  a turner mic that is less so.  I'm hoping to get it up to where  the tubes are really working and the breakup noticible.

Joel Fritz <jfritz666@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:  Hmm...I have a friend who uses a Tweed Deluxe regularly.  He mics it. 
The only feedback problem he has is from the PA.  How high is the volume 
control when you hit feedback?

Hear Barrelhouse Solly on the internet--that's me

Yes, it's what everyone has been clamoring for--pictures of the cats:

Fred Morser wrote:
>  A bit ago some posts talked about Kim Wilson using Fender Deluxes and  Pat Ramsey using Tweed Deluxes. They prompted my question to find out  if anyone knows how they cope with feedback? I built a 5E3 circuit  Tweed Deluxe clone and am still trying to tame feedback. Switched both  preamp tubes to 12AY7s and boosted power supply dropping resistor  values to lower voltage on pins 1 and 6 of preamp tubes. It's better,  but not quite there. Any thoughts and tips would be appreciated.
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