Re: [Harp-L] Harp King "AFB" Box or Harp Commander?


I have the Kinder AFB+, the same eq as Chris, and the
first harp commander.

I have played all three with a 59 Bassman RI Ltd, Pro
Junior, and an old Valco amp.

The AFB+ will change your tone.  It can minimal to
huge effect depending on the set up.  I used it when
recording our EP and I happen to like the tone I get
when I use it minimally.  The highest I have every
played using the unit was on 7 out doors and any
louder would have messed with the tone too much. 
Worth every penny to me!

It was effective with the other two amps, but hard to
dial in, initially, on the Pro Junior.

The eq is super well built, but was hard for me to
setup.  I use dynamic mics and have no idea how
effective it would be with a hotter mic.  That being
said, it is very flexible and is more effective the
more one plays with it.  I had mixed results as there
is just too much for me to screw up with all those
dials.  I didn't work well with the Valco amp.  It
worked well with the Pro Junior for tone, but was
so-so for feedback.

Harp Commander did the least for feedback.  I only use
it for sitting in with a pa.  Not a good feedback
tool, nor was it meant to be.  It has a lot fewer
options then the other two in terms of taking out the
squeal.  For my playing the eq usually does more for
me in terms of tone too.

> --- In harp-l-archives@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Ronald
> Tuffel" <ronnyt@...>
> wrote:
> My People!
>             A friend of mine just said that he was
> in the market for an
> Anti-Feedback device. I have a SJ 410 and I have
> even forgotten that amps
> can feedback. He wanted to know (and now I'm curious
> because I never heard
> of such and animal) if it was worth while to invest
> in a Harp King
> Anti-Feedback Box? He got his info from a famous
> harp player that uses one
> that I won't mention. I own a Harp Commander which I
> used to reduce
> feedback
> in the old days with amps, plus I was able to use it
> when space and
> situation called for no amps when a PA was
> available. How does the
> Harp King
> Anti- Feedback Box compare or not compare to the
> Harp Commander? What
> would
> you suggest to alleviate feedback on all sized amps?
> Is the Harp King
> "AFB"
> Box able to truly reduce feedback in normal amp
> usages? And, don't
> spank me
> for asking, I'm just the messenger for an
> accomplished harp playin' friend
> who doesn't own a computer!
> Thanks in advance!
> Rockin' Ronny
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Mike Fugazzi

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