[Harp-L] Re: Denver SPAH 06 Seminars

On Jun 30, 2006, at 2:45 AM, EGS1217@xxxxxxx wrote:

Smo-Joe responds (snipped) to my:
" I don't see any reason why Slidemeisters can't do the same thing if
 > they want to meet people they've spoken with here but never actually
> met...to gather at the bar or lounge just to be introduced."

Smo-Joe:  "Yes, that's what I think. It's never a bad idea (either) to simply walk
up to someone whom you don't know from a bag of hammers and introduce
yourselves. Dennis Gruenling did this to me the second time I ever saw
him. I was impressed.
Harmonica people are good people. Think about it. Do you think YOU're a
good person? Do you love harmonica? Then why wouldn't someone else (who
likes harmonica) be any less than you are?

(note: you being the rhetorical.... as in younze guys
......I would've been too, Smo-Joe...since I think Dennis is inherently shy.  You should be flattered!.

I WAS flattered. In one way, he was showing me respect (probably) because of my age, and I, in turn show him respect because he is phenominal. He's a good kid too. Oh, BTW, when I use the word kid, I'm not being condecending. At the place I worked, everyone called everyone kid. Age had nothing to do with it. I even refer to Blackie as kid.

...and while I also think it's a lovely offer from Roger Bale...to suggest an actual meeting room at SPAH...that kind of  changes the whole concept of a nice free-flowing relaxed "meet and greet" into a much more formal sit down meeting around what is more likely a table (if the rooms in the other conventions' hotels are any indication)....and that's just not my cuppa tea at all.  'Course I'm the new kid on the block here...so my vote doesn't really count   :)

Well, being new or old isn't as important as being gregarious. When I first went to these functions, I walked around pretty much invisibly. I had gone with big guns who were busy BEING big guns and I was merely 'the guy'. Who? Oh, that guy, you know, the guy who came with Jerry (Murad) OR the guy who is rooming with Herb Eck, Al Data, or George Miklas. You know that guy...I don't know his name...the guy from Pittsburgh. I was Mr. Cellophane..........still AM.

I just don't think it's a necessary expense to have spah shell out for a meeting room so people can get to know each other and put faces on the names they have been writing to and reading of for the past several years. If people want to find out these things, they should get out there and mingle, That's what 'I' do. I got to spend some time with Joey (the Pope of Joliet) Filisko at Birmingham. Jo-zeppi is usually to busy to break much time away for 'individual' chatting. I was blessed on THAT deal.
I still like the idea of congregating in the Lounge/Bar area informally....one doesn't have to drink...the Bar is usually right next to the restaurant where you can get a nice cup of tea or coffee or have a soda instead....but for me it's a way to move around, chat with a lot of folks in a short space of time.

Yeah, I can dig it. I will have a couple glasses of 'Pop'. Of course it will have some flavoring in it. :) Others can have coffee, or Rheimer's Blend for that matter. No dif to me. I'll order you a Covoiseure (?) and we'll sit and expound on the meaning of life.

  In a conference room type set up....it'll seem too much like an actual meeting for my taste...and won't give me the flexibility to move on when it's time. 

Yes. ALSO a good point. Sometimes you are talking to someone and it get's to the point where it's time to say 'Wellll, aaaaaanyway.' When that happens, it's time to move on, and this isn't easy to do when you're locked into a formal situation. Also, some people are extremely popular and will attract other sojourners who will come up and start talking. It's a good idea to scope the situation and if you realize that these people are old or good friends, it's good manners to back off and let them reminisce.

Unless the "room" Roger was talking about could be the type of very nice Atrium they had at this last Hotel for Buckeye...open to the lobby....lots of glass, many small tables and comfortable lounging areas...that could definitely work..

I would treat it like the 'cocktail hour'. You know, the deal where everyone comes down from their room all dressed up and mingles until the show starts. No reason why we can't mingle ALL WEEK. That's the whole point of these deals. And having exclusive meetings just gives more impetus to the feeling(s) by some that there is some sort of divisive activity at work between the various harmonica camps.

Having the lists separated is a GOOD idea and serves a purpose which is too obvious to go into. But the fests should be like homogenized milk. Imulsify the milk and butter fat TOGETHER for the mutual benefit of all. If I were working spah, that would be priority ONE.
But...for me, there is usually SO much going on already at SPAH ...one can barely manage to coordinate the different events one wishes to attend as it is....fitting yet another organized "meeting" into the mix will be tough. Something to ponder on...

That's why I say "keep it informal". You wanna meet someone? Go over and introduce yourself. I'll be wearing a Red H on the left side of my name tag and a red S on the right side.
I'll be wearing my SPAH name tag.  That's sufficient.  Enough people know who I am by now...and since most of my friends are Harp-L people and I've been posting there for a good while, it wouldn't be proper to identify myself as a Slidemeister and not as a Harp-L'er....so I'll do neither.  Y'all'll just have to figure out who I am and come up and say hello  ;) 

 I could maybe decide to hang out with Smo-Joe for a bit, now that Grizzly Baehr's not going.

Yeah, I'm buying
Anyway....just wanted all of you to know that there WILL be some chromatic playing at Jason Ricci's harp blow-off on the Tuesday night at Herman's Hideaway.  I believe it starts at 7:30p.m.  Jason is trying to make this an annual event.  It's basically a Blues night, but I'm told there will be chromatics involved, and fabulous people there.

Yeah, Jason (& Pat Ramsey) play at the Beached Whale & Buckingham. Jason uses some chromo. I have used some there too. I'm in the picture archives somewhere. In FACT, chromo usually surprises the S**T out of everyone, not the least of which are the musicians. I generally play 'dinner' places (Lighthouse on Sanibel, La Parilla on Cape Coral) but, of course, it is TOTALLY different music. The crowd is all 'white caps' (56.5 avg...and....Loooooooo a deeeeeeeed)

  It's 12 miles from the Denver Renaissance...you can look it up on Mapquest..or I'll send you the directions.  I'll probably share a cab with friends...or hope a couple of people have rental cars to share. Last year's event at Knuckleheads in Kansas City, Mo was taped and the proceeds from those of us who bought the tapes ended up being donated to help Pat Ramsey (one of Jason's guests) to recoup his tremendous losses from Hurricane Katrina.  I've watched those tapes a couple of times since then...and they're just amazing...wouldn't have missed that night for anything.

Yeah, that Jason guy has to quit playing for cheap. He's too good not to get paid..big time.. :)


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