[Harp-L] [Fwd: Re: Gig Notices]

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Subject: [Fwd: Re: Gig Notices]
From:    "BassHarp" <bassharp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, June 1, 2006 9:03 am
To:      owner-harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
In the interest of getting this comunication out I'm forwarding it to the
list.  Because of our munge address feature direct replies to Danny will
take creativity on your part.  My apologies for any confusion this may
create.  fjm

Danny Wilson writes:

     In response to my suggestion that the weekly giglist updates on
Harp-L might be overkill or unnecessary, due to the band-width used,
but also because the same info can be accessed at anytime on my
 I received an overwhelming indication that the giglists are indeed useful
as a weekly feature on Harp-L, if not a necessity.

 I might also remind everyone that access to the web list at
http://www.bassharp.com/bh_itin.htm will bring the absolutely latest
updates no matter when it is accessed, as I do update it daily, as many
as 8-12 times a day, as individual updates are sent to me.

 In addition to the responses sent both to the list as well as to me, I
received quite a number directly to me. Some suggested that the weekly
post on Harp-L might be reduced to bi-weekly, but the majority wish to
keep it as is - weekly.

 Rob Paparozzi stated: "I know I've been guilty of on list GIG plugs, but
I usually only plug gigs if it's a BENEFIT of some sort....but I will
GLADLY "Cease and Desist" if if means losing:  THE HOLY GRAIL!!!!!,-)))"

 My opinion is that this type of notice is definitely within reason, and
should not be eliminated.

 There were various comments regarding the simplicity, clarity, and
friendly format that I use, which of course pleases me. I developed the
format and layout over a period of many months when I first started the
listing, and while the intent is to show the required details for the
best info, many details are eliminated from the submitted lists, at my
discretion to keep the list as concise as possible, yet informative. I
have noted that other giglists on the internet have adopted my format as

 For more info regarding "why I do it this way", check
http://www.bassharp.com/giglist.htm  This page is linked from the
internet giglist, titled "Q&amp;A" and can be accessed at any time. It
may answer many questions re: my preferences.

 Some mentioned that they prefer the internet giglist, as it is easier to
read and quickly find specific items. I too prefer the internet listing,
as it allows highlighting with colored fonts, etc, among other things.
But both lists do serve a purpose, for which I am grateful.

 Thanks for your time, input, and interest. As I mentioned to one person,
"This project, now 10 years old, will continue as long as I have sight,
fingers and sound mind." And also "There are times I am unable to keep it
updated when I am on the road, or more accurately on the cruises.", but
will do my best.

 Regards to all,
 Danny --   BassHarp PO Box 5061 Hudson, FL 34674-5061

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