Re: [Harp-L] Memories of Sammy....
A few years ago, at a small blues club in Minnesota that has since been torn
down, I stopped to hear Anson and his band. Sam was at his best then, I think,
and I stopped at a little table where he was sitting by himself and asked if
I could sit down. When I said I also played harp a little and how much I liked
his playing, he kind of perked up. We visited for maybe 20 minutes, me asking
a few questions and him talking about blues in general. He didn't seem to
think blues by a lot of musicians was very genuine, but you could tell he was
proud of his own unique style and of his background. It was a nice little visit.
He seemed a lot older than what I later discovered was his real age. I guess
when you live the blues, you put on a lot of miles. It's too bad to see yet
another of the real ones pass.
My sympathy to all his friends.
Still a fool for the Harp
Steve 'Moandabluz' Webb
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