[Harp-L] Le-Riff (Noooooooo!)

Dear harp-L world,
  Listening to William Clarke's "Live in Germany"  Track 3 "Lookin' To The Future"  Just about 1 min 35 seconds in:
  Clarke plays a version of le-Riff twice through.  To my hearing, he gets a sound very reminiscent of LW's much debated lick.  
  On the one hand, Clarke is gone too (sadly) so there'll be no asking him what lick.
  On the other, perhaps some of you crazy's (affectionate use of crazy) may want to give the clip a listen.  I think Walter and Bill hit 3-6 with amp overtones. Perhaps this new info will shed new light for some ears.  Perhaps not.
  Dan G.
  Major caveat:
  When I was a boy of 19-21 just starting out on harp, I joined an internet list called Harp-L.  On this list, it seemed they talked incessently about this one lick.  At the time, (and somewhat still) I saw the discussion as an academic pursuit, completely missing the point and spirit of its creator, and the context of the music he was trying to play.  I left Harp-L for years because I felt my time was better spent playing than analyzing minutia. 
  Well, much time has passed, and now I am better at skimming Harp-L and ignoring that which doesn't interest  me.  I think I can actually help out some too.  I still think the Le-Riff debate borders on insanity, so please forgive me for my seemingly hipocritical observation and subsequent digging up of a very well beaten horse.

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