Re: [Harp-L] Butterfield's mispedagogy

I recently joined the list group that Butterfield's son, Gabe, started on Yahoo.
Posted in the photo section are some articles on Butter dating back to the original band
and moving thru the BBB and Better Days era. Some pretty interesting comments by Butter, Bishop,
Dinwiddle and others. Also photos from that period thru his days with

Butter lived in Woodstock where the Homespun tapes originate.
I think the tape was more Happy Traum's idea then Butter's.
Butter sort of goofs through the tape in the beginning but seems to get more serious and personal
about the music by the end of the tape.
I might be able get the lowdown from Gabe on the tape since he was still
living with Paul in Woodstock during that period.


On Jan 28, 2006, at 1:45 PM, chris smith wrote:

     I'm surprised Paul even put out an instrucutional
video. In the 70's I asked him if he taught. His
response :"There's nothing to teach. You just play
what you play" On a certain level I can appreciate
that concept but he was a classically trained flutist
before blowin' harp and from what
I've heard practiced his ass off to achieve the
fluency he was searching for. Obviously, there are
things one can teach and learn. But I totally agree w/
Rob P. that finding the deep emotional connection
isn't one of them and is somewhat inscrutable yet
compelling and essential. In recent
listening to his first two albums I was impressed by
how with two great guitarists Bloomfield and
Bishop to my ears Butterfield's solos were the most
powerful and in command. He really brought
a new virtuosity to blues harp. (Also, very
interesting that Musselwhite was a contemporary and
rival (?) of his. Another awesome blues player without
the hybridization of rock and jazz influences that
Butter had.)

Chris "Hammer" Smith

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