I just take break mine up, clean off residue with some water and a
soft cloth going through and wiping out the mouth piece hole by hole
and carefully doing the reed plates, then if there is any junk stuck
in a reed I take something like a small screwdriver and pick it out.
On 1/23/06, Gary Lehmann <hqr@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all-
> I just spoke with Hohner, they are sending back the CX-12 I cleaned with
> hydrogen peroxide--predictably, they advised against that. Curiously,
> also advised against cleaning the harp with anything except alcohol.
> Rusting rivets were the reason--
> I do seem to notice harps get stuff on them--I can't always brush before
> every note--can I get some different ideas of what everybody (well, not
> EVrybody) does to clean their instrument? I will go ahead and use
> cleaners if that's what it takes--
> Gary