cletus writes:
"out of tune notes are not "seamless", they stick out instantly to the
listener as "off" and sound generally unpleasant
notes played are either in tune or out of tune....intonation.....if that
song "summertime" had been played on a chromatic or a piano all the notes
would have been in tune.....fact is there were quite a few if not many
there that were simply out of tune...stick out like a sore thumb every
. just because the notes are played on a diatonic harmonica does not mean
we can blithely ignore the
fact that out of tune notes sound bad."
Hey list,
Whether you dig Larry's clip or not, the above statement
& the rest of Cletus' post is interesting to me, & begs a response. I
Cletus is saying I'm not sophisticated or discriminating enough to
understand that Howard, or whoever, is not really playing good music if
occasionally play a note that doesn't make pitch. You see, the same
stuff Cletus
can't stand often thrills me, so I guess I'm not qualified to enjoy
BTW, there are a LOT of 'great' recordings of trumpet players that have
pretty rank notes & outright clams. Check out one of my all time favorite
recordings "Live At The Plugged Nickel" & see how often Miles plays
'wrong' notes &
has less than spot on intonation.
You know, it's completely ok with me if Cletus don't dig this stuff.
As I've written before, just don't tell me I shouldn't dig it.
Couldn't sleep after the gig last night, so I'm off for a nap. Have fun
the whole 'your taste is worse than mine, I'm right you are wrong' thread
that will probably result from Cletus & my posts.
I'm out.
Rosco au.gust_ (
download or stream live recordings: au.gust_
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