Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Improving Breathing Problems with Harmonica

Danny writes (snipped):
"The very important article with a definite direction on the URL I posted  
deals with the use of the harmonica as a means to an end, rather than the end  
itself. In other words, using the harmonica to improve breathing for elderly  
patients, rather than using better breathing techniques to play harmonica more  
How this relates to your "u-turn in the road" escapes  me.
There isn't a player on Harp-L who is unaware of the value of effective  
breathing as it relates to harmonica artistry."
....I found your article and URL of utmost interest and have already  
forwarded it on to several family members and friends who are either suffering  from 
COPD or dealing with elderly family members with lung problems (usually  
emphysema).  I was thrilled about the information provided in the article,  
surrounded as I am by smokers (two of whom are themselves in the beginning  stages of 
COPD), and who looked down their noses at my retaking up harmonica  playing 
at this relatively late stage of the game.  Now I have  ammunition...and a 
specific reason to encourage them to join me.  I can't  wait to find out more 
about the specificity of harmonica playing as it  relates to COPD and improving 
lung function.  I'm with you all the way on  this one, Danny.  I'm one of those 
who is struggling with stage fright and  learning how not to "lose my breath" 
in playing in front of others.  It's  an entirely separate covered 
at length here, and I expect a  future Jon Gindick's Jam Camp and Dennis 
Gruenling's mini Jam Camp  Seminar will put me on the right track.  But as far as 
your thread is  concerned,  I'd love to know more about the harmonica as a 
medical  device...just how amazingly cool is that?!

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