Re: [Harp-L] "Fattening Frogs For Snakes"...whats that all about?!?!?

Yes James, you mentioned two meanings perhaps...please share!

I like what you say about the Southernisms, it makes total sence that he
would include in his lyrics the sayings of the day, don't alot of artists do

On 2/23/06, ChipComcast <jandkday@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Fattenin' frogs for snakes...
> I heard that as a kid from black & white folks in the South.
> Sorta like: Gratitude is riches,complaint is poverty.
> (old political slogan from the 30's..I think Wendell Wilkie?)
> Knee high to a grasshopper..
> Crookier than a washtub full of snakes.
> Nekid as a jaybird
> Runs like a scalded dog
> I could list you a mountain of these 'Southernisms'
> I also think the frog & snake deal has 2 meanings. ;-)
> james day

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