[Harp-L] Re:Special 20's

The man that has taken all my custom harps and made them as good as gold is  
also working on Special 20's. Joe Spiers,  _moparjoe@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
(mailto:moparjoe@xxxxxxxxxxx)  . I have some  Filiskos from 1996 that were brought back to 
life, my style is very difficult to  build or set up for, needing a strong 
harp that can take both styles from  Chicago to Sonny. It was discouraging 
looking at over $4000 worth of custom  harps I could do nothing with. So to spend 
the $30 or $40 on average for each  one was well worth it and easily 
justifiable to my mind.  Part of Joe's  gift is his ability to nail the tunings so no 
"beat" on the chords, and that  they play fat and juicy. I am endorsing Joe and 
putting my reputation behind him  because I watched him go through the 
learning curve similar to what I did with  amps, the passion for getting it perfect. 
Now I am able to pick up a harp and  not worry about it being in tune or one 
playing better than the other. My  suggestion is the same with all the 
builders, give him one to do his thing  with, and take it from there. I am sure you 
will be satisfied. 
On another note, I will be selling a slightly used Sonny Jr 410 very soon.  
Full warranty and complete package as a new amp. Must be a money order deal.  
This is the first one to need to come back, financial issues do come up as we  
all know. I will honor the first email to commit. I am trying the list first. 
My  new website should be up and running on Monday, same address, 
_www.sonnyjr.com_ (http://www.sonnyjr.com)   Thanks to all for their  support. 

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