Re: [Harp-L] RE: Larry Adler movie - was it "faked"?

Hey Tom,

Thanks so much for the two very cool links! That
Three Stooges bit is like my all time favorite!
Swing it!! Larry, I read somewhere, really did play
the fiddle, and Curly really was an expert "spoons"
player, but his standup bass left something to be
desired. LOL!!

As for the Adler clip... God, his playing is just
gorgeous. But I couldn't help but notice some
little discrepencies between what I was ~seeing~
and what I was ~hearing~...

For example, toward the beginning he briefly takes
his mouth off the harp to quickly licks his lips,
but in the same instant I'm hearing a nice
sustained note. Then, later Mr. Adler had got his
hands wide open, but I'm hearing this nice hand

Was that movie "faked?" I mean, it was obviously
Adler's playing, but do you think he went in later
to put the movie over an existing recording? Sort
of "dubbing over" the recording to make a movie? 

If this is the case, then all that exaggerated hand
movement was mostly hooey... you know just to make
it more interesting to look at.

What do you think?

Harpin' in Colorado,
--Ken M. 

--- Tom Ball <havaball@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Well, since everybody seemed to like the Adler
> movie, here's a link 
> to another film.  Moe swallows a Little Lady!
> later,
> Tom

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