[Harp-L] choices

    I must belatedly respond to a rather incendiary
comment by by Chris
M. to the effect of "just because  you can't do it". I
don't think it's any
big deal. I was one of the first OB'ers doing it
extensively in the 70's
(of course nothing like Levy's full-blown use of
them). I was using Golden Melodies then (inspired by
my friend Sonny Terry who used them OB less). As I
gradually got deeper into blues my rig evolved into
vintage Fenders, green bullets and Marine Bands which
are insanely difficult to OB on but they have the tone
I want. For the record, my solo
on "Say,Say,Say" was a #1 song w/ OBing on it .That
was released in 1981. I'm going to guess that predates
Mr. Michalek.
     Now my recent foci are : jazz playing on
chromatic, increasing sublety of phrasing on blues
harp, playing unison lines with guitar (which I'm also
playing) and improving my guitar soloing. I don't
choose to pursue an arcane questionable technique on
diatonic . I play
many of the standards Chris talks about on chromatic
and they sound
sweet . Would a marathon runner critcize a sprinter
because he "can't
do it ?"  Forgive me Chris but grow up .
    Chris "Hammer " Smith
P.S. I have a new fledgling website w/ samples of
tunes I recorded for
Taxim records: http://wwwmyspace.com/chrishammersmith

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