[Harp-L] Fwd: A trilling experience

>       Thanks for your response Winslow.I must
 that only neighboring tones are used for the
classical trill.
> In Bach's music there were a number of specified
ornaments :trills,
> pralltrillers, mordents, etc. ; each were exactly
described.. I've encountered considerable usage of the
word trill for rapid
> alternation between the consecutive draw notes and
> blow notes of the harp. Also, the most common usage
of tremolo is
> changing the amplitude of a single note (e.g., hand
> tremolo) although apparently some claim this is a
> misnomer and there are several definitions of this
> word including the one you mentioned. I appreciate
> having my vocabulary examined . Language is an
> evolving part of our culture. In Bach's time there
> were no harmonicas. I don't think in that era there
> was the term "shake" either. The musical dictionary
> you can use online defines shake as an alternate
term for trill so,
> though I found several 
> different  sources that defined trill narrowly as
> between neighboring tones, the term shake wasn't
> defined as a trill between non-neighboring tones.
> This suggests to me the trill has a little more
> in its definition and, obviously, I'm not thrilled
> w/ "shake".
> Am I way off base here ? Does anyone else use trill
> for warbling between 4 & 5 draw ? Honestly, In 34
> yrs. plus of professional playing
> I've only been hearing "headshake" in the last 2 
>                                               Your
fearless warbler,
           Chris "Hammer" Smith
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