When I first moved to Oahu in 1973 at 18, I wrote Charlie Musselwhite and
told him how he inspired me. A year later (approx.), he wrote back
apologizing for his child's dinosaur stationery and the time it took him to
respond as he had moved and just found the letter. He asked if I knew of any
gigs on the island because he did his own booking. I never wrote back.
Twelve years of so later I met him at a gig in Hilo with Elvin Bishop and
Norton Buffalo sharing the billing. He remembered my letter and I was so
impressed with his openness and humility. Needless to say, I always wondered
what if...?
When I heard "Suicide Blonde" and stood in with a local band, I never
could even get a clue how he was getting that sound. Was it delay or some
kind of reverse effect. That riff truly is what made that song so cool.
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