[Harp-L] vocalism and having fun

Playing off the vocalist is what I like when standing in on harmonica. The more I groove on the singer, the more I feel inspired. Call, recall, and unison or harmonizing with guitar or other instrument is fun, also. My level of playing has been rated as "beginning to advanced intermediate" by a harp amp builder, so as not to appear to this list as a harp guru. The band I played in before moving west had as our motto, "will play for food..." We were serious.
  The big joke was when we'd end up with twenty bucks(or less) each after a gig and tease the bass player, Steve Tompkins, by holding up the bill and saying "Who's laughing now?!" regarding wives questioning the practice and playing cutting into their family time. 
  John Kuzloski said:
  Following up on Tom Ellis' (and Richard Hunter's) post about Wilson and 
Butter and "vocal" harp playing (and emotionally potent harp playing):  a
I find myself more and more liking the image of my accompaniment 
playing as backup gospel vocals -- "singing with" our lead female vocalist 
who is just amazing.  She has even asked that we do some "dueting" -- her 
putting out a couple of moaning phrases (w/o words) and me roughly 
echoing on harp, and back and forth a bit.  Geez, it's fun!!  (We're not a 
gospel band, but the image works for me somehow.)  So maybe that image 
of backup vocals can assist in developing a style.
  --John K.

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