[Harp-L] Harp Amps (again)

After a few deep breaths...
  I love my Sonny Jr. 410 with all the mics I have (and used to have), be they Shure and Astatic elements, ceramic, crystal, various magnetic, etc.  And for vintage amps, the Valco-Oahu amps that I have are so, so sweet;
  The  5 tube, 15 watt Oahu with 10 inch field coil, and if I had to pick one without need for loudness it would be the 3 tube Oahu with 8 inch Rola field-coil ( about 5 watts). Both are  recapped and with grounded cord. They sounded great before the recap and great after. They sound great without any effects (that I used to have).
  It's cool to have amps as old as I am that are so beautiful sounding to guitarists and harp players.
  My guitarist buddy ( hey Scratchmo you Bad Daddy!) loves the SJ 410 with 12AX7 swaps and the 15 watt Oahu he calls "Shorty", for several of his guitars.
  Thanks and Merry Christmas to all the wonderful list members- "lurkers" and posters alike.

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