[Harp-L] Re: Mouth won't mind and out of breath!

From: "Shay Allen" <shay.allen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Harp-L] Mouth won't mind and out of breath!

> I am recording tracks for Harmonica Masterclass Home Study Course (1st
> month) and music that I can play easily time and time again without
> music becomes very difficult when trying to play with music. I seem to
> run out of breath and my mouth seems to relax and lose the ability to
> play single notes. I try to practice over and over and just seem to get
> frustrated and not better. I hope this was the correct place for this
> question if not sorry. Please help!

When you play a lot the muscles will get used to keeping the mouth
in the right shape. No worries there...
The 'out of breath' thing: Try using your nose....
While you play a blow note, and you feel too much pressure on your lungues, release air
through the nose at the same time. While you play a draw note it is possible to breath in
extra air though the nose at the same time. 
Again all this will come sort of naturally further down the road, but it might help trying it now.
I don't know if you sing, but with singing there are the fast breaths between frases. Of course 
then you will know the length of a frase so you can estimate how much air you need. But it
helps thinking like that with harmonica too. Also with singing I sometimes release air through 
the nose with the last word if I find that I took too much air in.
Basically your lungues are and instrument too, or better, part of your instrument...


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