[Harp-L] Trainwreck Recovery ~ off track on stage

"..."Let's try that again, shall we?"  He counted it off, and they  sang it 
again, perfectly this time.  The applause was thunderous..."
Nice story Richard,
 I've been known to tell folks "after that one, you have my permission  to 
take money OUT of the tip jar!" No one's taken me up on it yet, although  we 
played a benefit last week, with all proceeds (including everything  that went 
into the tip jar), going to the "benefitee". About halfway thru I  pointed out 
for praise an 8 year old boy who had made several trips to the tip  jar. Turns 
out had been raiding it all night, and feeding 10-dollar  bills into a video 
Jeff G
Denver CO

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