Re: [Harp-L] "Single-Hole"

On 8/26/06, Rick In Davis <rickindavis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I offer a simple change in nomenclature: It's not pucker; it's "Single-Hole."

Ah, this reveals the true second class citizens in the harp embouchure
world; u-blockers. We are often forgotten in these discussions.
If there were an technique that is, for all practical purposes, only used
for one note, it is the u-block.

Lip-blocking/pucker/whatever - this is the same technique used for open
chords. Single note to as many notes as your mouth can handle are basically
the same technique.

Tongue blocking - No argument available, this is a combination
single/multiple note embouchure.

U-block - While it is possible to play multiple notes with this method, I
have rarely found that to be effective.

Myself, I primarily use u-block in combination with t-block. And some
multi-note puckering thrown in.

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