[Harp-L] SPAH TV clip

. . . . interesting discussion about the TV coverage
at SPAH and I think I can add a bit of in-site here to
be considered. As a past general manager of a TV
a radio prime time DJ and many hours both on air and
behind the scenes I hope my input helps. 
 So SPAH sends out the press releases(assumed)and the
stations review them and consider to cover them or
Were there second follow up calls to the stations, or
a second sending of releases? A little selling of the
event ?
So they decide how to cover the event. Three general
categories. 1. A full crew with lights, maybe multiple
cameras, and an interviewer. 2. A two person crew,
camera person and front person. 3. One camera person,
as in, go get some footage of this event and they
would be told how much is needed. Looks to me like
SPAH got the #3 deal with no mustard. Usually that
type of coverage would be given to a lower on the rung
employee. So here comes the TV guy and everybody bows
and flings the doors open for him or her to shoot what
they think will be good. So unless the person has some
direction and suggestions they will shoot what they
see going on and what their interpretation is. After
all, they have to leave soon to go cover the cherry
pie bake-off for wheel chair bound accordion players,
so to me it's perfectly understandable  that the
footage was lacking in some folks vision. What was the
camera persons vision, how did they perceive the
harmonica? Did they have any direction from SPAH
people? Were they shown around to see what was
available? How do you think the chromatic players
viewed the coverage? The kids and their families? As
one of our astute members commented,
if you didn't like it join SPAH and do something to
help. Usually when a camera person shows up at an
event the people in charge are so busy running the
event that they don't have the time to direct or
realize they can,
so the coverage is up to the shooter. Wish I was

Hope This Helps,
        p.s. I'll be at the next one come hell or

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