[Harp-L] OB Tone and Intonation

Dick Anderson wrote:

>Play with an open throat such as just before yawning.
>(I think George gave Howard credit on this one)

Not exactly. The yawn technique comes from Douglas Tate, not Howard Levy, and it is used to tension the diaphragm, not open the throat (although I think playing with an open and relaxed throat is important and that one benefit of supporting the note from the diaphragm is that it permits the throat to be looser and more open).

Let's go right to the text. Douglas Tate wrote in his excellent book "Play The Harmonica Well":

I have mentioned already that the diaphragm is used to help breathing. It is also used to give controlled power to your notes. When you yawn you will find that there is a certain amount of tension in your diaphragm region. This is the type of feeling one should have most of the time while playing. This initial pressure allows you fine control of air pressure. It takes time for the muscles to develop, but that is true of most of the techniques in this book.

Rest in peace, Douglas.


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