[Harp-L] RE: [Harp-L ] SPAH present and future (was: Re: Media Editorial - Denver news and video)

"I'm sure Bill meant his post in a spirit of doing the best for our
instrument's future, and I hope this reply is taken in the same spirit."

Absolutely Fred. Your post was excellent. It sounds like the conference
was great, with a few adjustments to be made and fine folks now debating
and considering those. And although I didn't make the "silly hat"
comment, I did comment about the new video piece starting with an old
guy in a conductor hat making train noises - this was (as Elizabeth
says) meant to be a comment about how the *news* portrayed the
"harmonica conference" - primarily from their prejudiced slant. I meant
no disrespect to Al (whom I didn't know it was, despite my being a spah
member, I need to get to some conferences!). He sounds like a very cool

Although it would have been cool to if they would have trotted out Jason
to that room full of kids, they probably would have enjoyed that as well
and that would have added a more modern and "cool rocker" perspective to
the historical one it appeared that Al and Judy were presenting to them.

One other word on the chugging thing - when someone like Madcat does it,
it's awesome. But when many of the Michalek 99.4% of non-pro level
players do it, it's often pretty lame and stereotypical "corny
harmonica" sounding. Again, with the recent public harp exposures, I'm
betting those kids were waiting for something akin to that and I hope
they got some of that too (not sure if the Bonfiglio and other parts
were actually shot in that room).


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