Re: Fwd: [Harp-L] Toungue Switching and specific licks


thanks for the explanation.

> The familiar lick you tabbed out could be played alternating etween
> left and right sides of a tongue block. 

Yes, that's exactly how i play it. 

> That's probably how I'd play it now. As a teenager I learned to play it
> pucker and just jumped back and forth.

Oh, that's what i did for long years. I was an autodidact, nobody showed me 
anything, and i had not the slightest idea about tongue block...

> However, I'm not taking about any particular lick. Thie technique of
> alternating  notes on the left and right sides of a tongue block is
> something that could be applied to many licks, riffs, melodies, etc.

Ah, yes, for sure - i took it only as an wellknown example. 

Hell, i'm tryin' to play a bend with the tongue in my right cheek...that way 
it feels like having a piece of wood instead a tongue in my mouth. :-)

It's like sitting up on a bycicle from the othe side...


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