[Harp-L] Overblow blues licks tabbed, with demo recordings

I've been seeing various requests lately for blues licks that use
overblows, so I decided to tab out some licks in first, second, and
third positions, record mp3s to demonstrate them, and post the whole
thing at the Buddha's Groove forum:


Instead of the pure single-note overblow style often heard, I decided
to put the overblows in the context of chords, octaves, warbles, and
slaps typical of blues playing. While each entire line is tabbed out,
the details of slaps, octaves, etc., are not shown.

I've utilized a couple of extended overblow techniques - bending
overblows up one semitone, and playing a blow and overblow at the same
time in a single hole.

I hope this is useful to someone. 


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