[Harp-L] Pat Ramsey Tape

Hello All,
 The Tape should be finished in a week or so. After
input from others it seems the best way to handle the
price for the tape is to have no price. Was going to
have it be $15.00 and up but heck, there may be some
that can only give a smaller amount so just send
whatever you're comfortable with. So far there have
been 8 responses with
$100.00 being the highest. Please help Pat in any way
you can. E-mail me and I'll give you an address and
ask that you send me a money order made out to Pat
 For those that don't know, the tape is footage from
the SPAH Jason Ricci Blow-off at Knuckleheads in
Kansas City
on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 05. It's the complete show but I
have to edit it for times sake. There is also some
very fun footage from the last (Sat. night) jam circle
that I really enjoy. It's a pretty cool scene. One
hundred percent is going to Pat, so do yourself and
Pat a favor and get a tape. On behalf of Pat,"thank
you for helping me".


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