Re: Re: [Harp-L] thinking vs feeling

Moandabluz@xxxxxxx wrote:

>     My stepdaughter struggled in grade school until sixth grade. She did Ok 
> with the work, but she wasn't retaining the learning at all and was on the 
> verge of special ed. Then she hooked up with this sixth grade teacher, who managed 
> to show her how SHE needed to study in order to do well.

i've done a fair amount of teaching of martial arts over
the years.  one of the challenges, as well as the rewards,
is figuring out how to make a student "get it" when explaining
something difficult (or just difficult for them).  you try to demonstrate,
you try to explain different ways, you try different analogies...
nothing.  but then you hit on a different explanation, or analogy,
or demonstration, or whatever.  and bing!  you can *see* the 
lightbulb go on when they get it.  very rewarding.

Garry Hodgson, Technical Consultant, AT&T Labs

Your love, your anger, your kindness, your hate.
All of it creates the future for you and your children.
What kind of future are you creating today?

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