RE: [Harp-L] Got First Overdraw, Now What?
- To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: RE: [Harp-L] Got First Overdraw, Now What?
- From: Eric DUMINIL <eric.duminil@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 18:51:03 +0100
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=beta;; h=received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:mime-version:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition; b=cZSdN8fNDrzeqlfTf3dU9Nwy7xDxjyDmoLn0Yq/xmBI4ZGDYq13aEjD+bK1X9K6qvcSd/kRBICCI9nVmeBHrp3QSxSXreFYngNKOftnid+vBPyOqWW0Ho1pQrZdOfVT1ldK/qCEOkdMPWXd2kPJ9dh1IMtUyd2RVzTR1NsTP/7o=
You can choose an easy tune or a scale you perfectly know, and as The
Ice man already told you, try to play it in 12 positions.
Here is an example for the blues scale:
in C:
4> 4># 5 5># 6> 6># 7>
with a diatonic in C (Straight harp)
in Db:
4' 5> 5># 6> 6' 7 7#
with a diatonic in C (8th pos.)
in D:
8 9 9> 9# 10 10> 10##
with a diatonic in C (Double Crossed)
in Eb:
4># 5># 6' 6 6># 7# 8>'
with a diatonic in C (10th pos.)
in E:
5> 6> 6 6># 7 8 8> 5>
with a diatonic in C (5th pos.)
in F:
5 6' 6># 7 7> 8>' 9 5
with a diatonic in C (12th pos.)
in Gb:
5># 6 7 7> 7# 8> 9>' 5>#
with a diatonic in C (7th pos.)
in G:
6> 6># 7> 7# 8 9 9> 6>
with a diatonic in C (Cross Harp)
in Ab:
6' 7 7# 8 8>' 9>' 9# 6'
with a diatonic in C (9th pos.)
in A:
3'' 4> 4 4># 5> 6> 6 3''
with a diatonic in C (4th pos.)
in Bb:
6># 7# 8>' 8> 9 9# 10>'' 6>#
with a diatonic in C (11th pos.)
in B:
3 4 5> 5 5># 6 7 3
with a diatonic in C (6th pos.)
(Tab notation used comes from:
/Tab action notation
you can also try "Dream a little dream of me" in 9th position:
6' 6> 6' 6> 5 6' 6> 6' 6> 6' 6> 5 6 7> 6 5># 5 6># 6' 6># 6' 5
6># 6' 5> 6' 4># 5 6' 6># 7 7 6>#
6' 6> 6' 6> 5 6' 6> 6' 6> 6' 6> 5 6 7> 6 5># 5 6># 6' 6># 6' 5
6># 6' 5> 6' 4># 5 6' 6># 7 6 6'
8 9 7# 7> 6># 7> 4 5> 9 8 9 8 7> 9 8 9 7# 7> 6># 7> 4 5> 9 7> 6 8>
with a diatonic in E (9th pos.)
it contains, as you can see, 4,5,6 overblows and 7 overdraw.
(here is the music sheet:
If you want to transpose other tabs in order to practice your
overblows and overdraws, please feel free to use :
you'll just need to add overblows and overdraws by using "configure
difficulty" button (bottom right) and lowering the corresponding
Have fun,
keep on working,
best regards from Berlin,
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