RE: [Harp-L] Sniping on Ebay

Another lurker who uses a sniper...

Everything everyone says is right about the bidding / winning
process...I personally spent a lot of time sitting with three screens
open...One with the item open which I manually refreshed every 5 seconds
or so...Another with a bid amount entered and ready to CONFIRM...Another
with my computer clock running so I could confirm in the last 5
seconds...That way I could input the last amount at what I thought was a
possible win...

Lots of invested energy and fun to boot...As close to a real auction as
possible...Then one day a fellow bidder said "are you using a snipe
program" I said "a what?"...I was then introduced to a really good
one...I still loose bids because I don't enter the higher amount...but
that's life...but it does allow me to bid on items at strange times and
while at work...

Occasionally I go back to the old manual method just for the fun/rush of
it... :-)

Win some, loose some, that's life...But why run the bid up early and tip
your doesn't make your home work
usually can't change the top bid on a snipe program within the last 9
min or so...your bid is qued and ready to go...however, one time I knew
I wasn't going to win so I went manual rather quickly and bid against
myself... :-)

Highest bid's an's fun...


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