7th you play Gb harp i don't know
what mode that is.
It's a theoretical mode (no name) since for modes 7 thru 11 the tonic is not
on the harp without a bend. Modes are just a name for where you are starting
in the Western diatonic scale interval. It's just meant to be a way to keep
the intervals straight in your mind. Aeolian is less of a mouthful than "the
minor scale with the flat 3rd, flat 6th, and flat 7th." You'd probably be
better off not worrying about whatcha call it if it's causing you more grief
than understanding.
http://trinity.psnw.com/~dlmurray/squarecircle.html explains the circle of
5ths relationship to harmonica positions, modes, and the logic behind the
sharps and flats on the musical staff. Once you understand the words, I
suggest that you forget them and just use the circle of 5ths. A rose has
many names, but it's still the same rose.