[Harp-L] asking to sit in

Hi Bob,

    i don't have alot of experience in this realm, but
i've gone to see a few live shows. i've never asked to
sit in, but i always try to say hi to the performer,
let them know what i liked about the show, offer to
buy them a beer if they seem the type that likes a
beer. some are more approachable than others, of
course. and while i never intended for it to happen, i
have been asked to get up on stage a couple of times.
haven't done it yet though, because i haven't been
"there" yet. anyway, just be yourself, say hello, tell
'em you play harp, and if Rick or Charlie or whoever
takes a shine to you, they may ask you themselves. 


--- In harp-l-archives@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Bob Cohen
<bcohen@xxxx> wrote:
> I'm going to see Little Charlie and the Nightcats
tonight.  They are one 
> of my favorite bands.  It would be a dream come true
to sit in with them 
> for a number.  Does anyone know how they feel about
that sort of thing?  

--- In harp-l-archives@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, SONNYTONE@xxxx
> You NEVER ask to sit in with a pro harp player, you
are only asked TO sit  in 

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