Re: [Harp-L] Harmonica Magazines?/AHN

  Wouldn't it be cool if there amongst the Borders rack between the $12.00
saxaphone mag , next to the
bass magazine and the countless guitar rags was a slick national version of
a Harmonica Magazine that combined all the Good
parts of  : SPAH+HIP+AHN+Easy Reeding ...

Just a dream....


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "randysinger" <randy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>; "Phil loyd/ahn" <Philharpn@xxxxxxx>
Cc: "Randy Singer" <randy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Harmonica Magazines?/AHN

> They do a great job promoting harmonica players and showcasing new
> products.
> I have subscribed for three years or more and will continue to do so.
> They really pour their heart into this publication. Though it may not
> be snazzy with full color or heavy stock paper, the information is
> helpful and entertaining.
> I encourage everyone to support the harmonica by taking a subscription
> to AHN.
> It does not take a lot of money to do a lot of good. We need support
> every voice that supports the harmonica.
> think about it...
> peace and harps,
> randy singe
> =========================
> Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 14:01:35 EST
> From: Philharpn@xxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Harmonica Magazines?/AHN
> To: cowanjim@xxxxxxxx, harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
> American Harmonica Newsmagazine is in its 17th year.
> It used to be the ONLY monthly harmonica magazine in the United States.
> Now it is the only bi-monthly harmonica magazine in the United States.
> I have been associated with it for about 14 years.
> It is letter-sized, printed on newsprint and usually runs 48 pages.
> AHN covers new CDs, instruction books and videos and anything remotely
> connected with the diatonic and chromatic harmonica that I have time to
> write up,
> put into a QuarkXpress document with the aid of Photoshop and my AOL
> connection
> .Editor publisher Al Elicher usually adds a folksy editorial about the
> declining subscription rolls and bemoans the fact that nobody seems to
> want to
> support a harmonica magazine.
> As most of you know there is an ever-incrasing need for a harmonica
> magazines.
> That is why HIP (Harmonica Information Press) magazine is no longer
> published. It is great. I have all the copies. But you can only get
> back issues.
> Jon Gincick uses to hae his Cross Harp Press newsletter that lasted
> about a
> dozen issues. For a while, the back issues were available. They
> included harp
> tab for blues and folk classics. I don't know if you can still get the
> back
> copies.
> There was another harmonica publication, the Harmonica Doctor (?) that
> dealt
> with repairs) which is also defunct.
> SPAH and the National Harmonica League both issue publications
> (quarterly?)
> but there are in a different category because the publications are
> provided as
> part of the membership in their groups.
> AHN struggles along on a shoestring and pays the printer (he's the only
> one
> making any money) from advertising and subscription rolls.
> Greetings: Here is the subscription information you asked about
> American Harmonica Newsmagazine.
> (updated 2-6-05
> The 48-page bi-monthly letter-size newsprint magazine is in its 17th
> year. It covers all aspects of harmonica: focusing on but not
> limited to chromatic & diatonic: blues, country, folk, jazz;
> chromatic blues, reviews of new CDs, cassettes by newcomers and
> new & old pro's. Also interviews with the players active in the
> harmonica
> world.
> Rates:  ( in U.S. funds) Sample copy: $3 ;
> ==6 bi-monthly issues 1 year U.S. bulk mail (slow) : $16.75;
> ==12 bi-monthly issues 2 years U.S. bulk mail (slow) : $31;
> ==6 bi-monthly issues 1 year U.S. 1st class (fast) : $19.50;
> ==12 bi-monthly issues 2 years U.S. 1st class (fast) : $37;
> Contact AHN for foreign rates. (269) 962-2989
> Send check or money order to:
> Al Eichler, Editor
> American Harmonica Newsmagazine
> 104 Highland Avenue
> Battle Creek, MI 49015-3272
> Phil Lloyd, Contributing Editor
> American Harmonica Newsmagazine
> _______________________________________________
> Harp-L is sponsored by SPAH,
> Harp-L@xxxxxxxxxx

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