Re: [Harp-L] Chromatics question

Hey Jp,

I doubt if there will be consensus on this issue,
as the choice of ax is a very personal matter.

I have a Super 64 that I bought about 5 years ago
and have to say that I was initially dissapointed
with it. Out of box mine was a pretty leaky
beastie, thought the tone was exquisite. So I sent
it off to chrom harp repair wizard Bill Romel and
he made that harp a work of art. He silver-plated
the mouthpiece, reworked the slide and plates so it
became very responsive and airtight. He also
re-gapped it to suite my aggressive bluesy plaing

It has an exquisite dark tone and is now my first
choice to gig with. My feeling is that although
mine was a clunker, most Supers are much better out
of the box than mine was.

I don't own a 280, but I'm told it's a fine
chromatic as well. Both (I think) have plastic
bodies and are cross-tuned. The Super 64 has a much
cooler look to it, also has a thicker bite than the
280. A thick bite can be a problem if you play a
lot of octaves (which is why I rarely play my CX-12
these days).

I also own a Hering 5164 which is the Hering
version of the Hohner 280. It's a great harp in its
own right. It was ~very~ resonsive and airtight
right out of the box, but it's tone is much
brighter than my Super, and not as loud. 

On the plus side, the Hering has a thinner 'bite'
and so for me it is easier to reach octaves with
that harp. I imaging the same would hold true of
the Hohner 280 which has pretty much an identical

Good luck!

Harpin' in Colorado,
--Ken M.

--- Jp Pagá® <jpl_pagan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> hi all, 
>   is there any concensus as to whether the Super
> 64 is better than the 280?
>   thanks,
>           --Jp

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