RE: [Harp-L] Hohner Blues harp vs. Marine Band... and repair !!!

> I play  Marine Bands, and off topic, if I may, I'd like to know if there
> is
> anything  other than shaving off my stach, that I can do to stop pulling
> the
> freaking  whiskers out of my face while I'm playing.
> I put a small dab of silicone seal in the offending corners of the
> covers.
> ron

Outside of shaving it off, keeping it EXTREMELY neat and very trimmed. If
you allow it to get bushy and messy, you'll never get rid of that problem.

Barbeque Bob Maglinte
Boston, MA

Hey Bob,

You are right, about shaving off the 'stash.  If you don't mind looking like
an Amishman.  Which is how I have my facial hair.  I use to wear a mustash,
until I had the same problem.  It also was an irritation to my upper lip
when I rubbed my finger over it while playing.   BTW.  Have any of you ever
seen a player hold his index finger along side their nose while playing?
When I first started playing thats how I held the harp, (I have since quit)
then I ran into a player from Silver Dollar City that holds his harp like
that, also.  He also has a full beard and mustash, and told me that he is
always getting his hairs pulled.  He plays Lee Oscars.

Doyle Yoder___________________________________________
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