[Harp-L] Re: Alternate Tuning for Chords

> No, it couldn't have both 12tet and Just.  It would have to be one or the other.  To be clearer,
> what I was suggesting is that you could have a design that would be chromatic (all twelve notes
> available for every octave), AND that for every note in the chromatic scale (twelve notes per
> octave and for every octave), there would be a corresponding major chord and a corresponding
> minor chord available without any misses.  For every note, you could choose to play it singly,
> play it's minor chord, or play it's major chord. This could be done with bends only, no
> overblows needed.  Also, for artistic license every blow and draw could be bent one semitone. 
> You also wouldn't have to bend more than one semitone anywhere.  

I think it might be pretty difficult to do valved blow bends across three adjacent notes at the
same time to produce some of those chords.   In fact I remain skeptical of most alternate tuning
schemes which haven't actually been tried and tested.   But if you're willing to build one of
these beasts (or pay someone else to do it), practice it long enough to develop some facility, and
then record and upload some examples, I'll be happy to listen!

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