Many times buying an amp on E-bay is a crap shoot. The seller may be sincere
but if a competent tech hasn't gone through the amp or the seller is not
really knowledgeable ... You don't know what you're going to get. The speaker
might be ready to go...the amp might not be what the seller thinks it is...
due to some previous "genius" owner -mod... Or it just might be on the verge
of needing an overhaul. For sure you should check out the feedback and ask any
questions that comes to mind... Then again, if the seller is ignorant; you
are back to the crap shoot scenario. I'd say over half the time; you can
count on sending it to your tech. So you can add anywhere from $ 50-75 right
there. If you've never played through a certain amp; then you're going by the
opinions of others such as can be found in places like: Or other harper's recommendations. There... depending
on the applications...Opinions vary. Some guys are like political pundits;
they put their spin on it. Some leave out things and some are really honest.
That's one thing I like about E-bay seller: johhn a.k.a. Sonny Jr. He knows
what he's talking about and he doesn't jack around. Just 2 cents worth.. nothing
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