Subject: [Harp-L] chiming in
Jason Ricci writes: (majorly snipped)<G>
"Over all the tour went great we had an awsome time and are looking forward
to seeing more of you guys in Jan.
Thanks Harp L for everything good to be back home and on the list again"
....after describing what sounds like the tour from hell! You have an
astonishing ability to meet adversity with great humor, my friend, one of my
favorite traits in a person. I'm glad at least some of it was fun, that none of
the MVA's were more serious and only hope that the one on Long Island didn't
occur because I didn't more forcefully insist on taking you lot out for
breakfast the morning after your show. (If I can help at all about what happened
here, email me offlist, of course.)
At least some of my good strong coffee (we'll ignore Froggy's "cafe? you
call this cafe??", lol because it really IS good coffee) might have helped
keep you warm on the road. Maybe next time... especially after such a lovely
compliment (for such a "nasty" boy, you're way too sweet to me). <G>
You deserve some much needed rest after what is probably the most intensive
touring schedule of any musician/harp l'er here. You keep getting better and
better (though I can't fathom how) as Garry Hodgson can testify to as well
and Garry and I also are in sync about Todd (Buck Weed) your new bass player
seamlessly clicking right into place with New Blood.
Honestly, though...I can't imagine putting up with the craziness you do of
some "fans"...scalpels in hands cutting you, for God's sake; another shoving
into your booth without a word (realize your band was facing him...he was
sideways to you, so they had a distinct advantage in recognizing the
please stop blaming yourself)... any real fan/friend would have understood and
cut you some's a nutty world out there, and I worry about the
vulnerability of anyone who is forced to meet and greet after a show.
How do other musicians do it...those right on the cusp? We know how
mega-celebrities with deep pockets handle it... with entourages and big
bodyguards...but what do people do when they're just making a living and can't afford to
pay for extra security? Don't the venues have some sort of responsibility
here as well, security-wise?
Perhaps Hohner could design a new Golden Melody belt..a combo harp/gun low
slung sexy one it the "JR" could get a carry permit..start a
new fad. Seeing a gun on your hip right on stage might dissuade some overly
zealous "fans". I'm being facetious, but might work! So what do
other musicians do in your shoes, and have they had similar experiences to this
"scalpel" fan? (sorry, but that one just freaks me out.)
Glad you're home safe,
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